Saturday, February 1, 2014

Letter 3: A Lily Among Thorns

Dear Dad,

Today I came across the phrase "a lily among thorns."
This phrase really struck me because it's a beautiful picture and can mean so many different things.
But to me the two biggest things it symbolizes is, purity, and being set apart.

Purity has always been a big deal in my life especially with my Southern background and all. But that's always been sexual purity, another type of purity I'm beginning to take note of is mental and spiritual purity.
It's kind of hard to be mentally pure, especially in todays culture. We're fed all these different lies and taught that it's okay. We fill our minds with impure things and usually don't even notice! I'm guilty of this as much as the next person, so I want to apologize to you right now for all the impure thoughts in my head.
I also think about spiritual purity. When I hear this term I often think of making sure I'm putting on the good Christian show.
I don't think genuine!
My walk is full of rocks I stumble over such as Facebook, music, Tumblr, books, even friends. They get in the way of my spiritual walk with You and I'm so, so sorry for that! IT's often just really hard to get some time t myself here at RVA. But I'm not making excuses.

The other picture I get is being set apart.
As Christians, we're suppose to be set apart, but a lot of us just develop habits so we fit in with everyone else.
We often don't want to be different. We do all we can to blend in and go unnoticed.
But personally I see it as being a privilege and a challenge to be set apart and it's one I don't plan on back down from! I may stumble, I may fall, but I know that with You all things are possible.

So God, I just want to end this rant with asking that you give me the courage and strength to run this race. I want to get to the end and run in to Your arms, and my daddy's arms. And hear you both say "Well done. I'm so proud of you."

~ Your Humble Daughter

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