Saturday, February 1, 2014

Letter 3: A Lily Among Thorns

Dear Dad,

Today I came across the phrase "a lily among thorns."
This phrase really struck me because it's a beautiful picture and can mean so many different things.
But to me the two biggest things it symbolizes is, purity, and being set apart.

Purity has always been a big deal in my life especially with my Southern background and all. But that's always been sexual purity, another type of purity I'm beginning to take note of is mental and spiritual purity.
It's kind of hard to be mentally pure, especially in todays culture. We're fed all these different lies and taught that it's okay. We fill our minds with impure things and usually don't even notice! I'm guilty of this as much as the next person, so I want to apologize to you right now for all the impure thoughts in my head.
I also think about spiritual purity. When I hear this term I often think of making sure I'm putting on the good Christian show.
I don't think genuine!
My walk is full of rocks I stumble over such as Facebook, music, Tumblr, books, even friends. They get in the way of my spiritual walk with You and I'm so, so sorry for that! IT's often just really hard to get some time t myself here at RVA. But I'm not making excuses.

The other picture I get is being set apart.
As Christians, we're suppose to be set apart, but a lot of us just develop habits so we fit in with everyone else.
We often don't want to be different. We do all we can to blend in and go unnoticed.
But personally I see it as being a privilege and a challenge to be set apart and it's one I don't plan on back down from! I may stumble, I may fall, but I know that with You all things are possible.

So God, I just want to end this rant with asking that you give me the courage and strength to run this race. I want to get to the end and run in to Your arms, and my daddy's arms. And hear you both say "Well done. I'm so proud of you."

~ Your Humble Daughter

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Letter 2: Blessed

Dear Dad,

It's me again.
I just got back from my first mission trip with other teenagers. It was my cousin's youth group. A group full of amazing kids! Full of talents and gifts that were amazing, and I know they have lots more that they haven't even found yet.

I was just shocked to find boys that cared so much about Your world, and what happens in it, and how they can help better it by bringing more people into Your kingdom. I mean...I knew in my head that there must be guys like that, but I personally, had never met any of them. And then I'm on a team full of them!
I wanted to cry!

I am so excited for these young men. I know that my impact on their lives might have been nothing more then 'oh yeah, she was a girl that lived in Kenya, and was on my mission team'. But I was just so happy to find out that some guys were as interested in Your kingdom as I was.
I also know for a fact that to my cousin, my impact on his life might be a bit more than 'the random girl'. And I'm so blessed that You decided to make us cousins, that You decided that we needed each other and put us together. I'm so happy to have deepened my relationship with him and that was able to understand me and my life more, now that he's seen what it's like there.

Thank you God! Thank you so much, I am so excited to see what you do in their lives, I know it's going to be something amazing, and something that will glorify your name and that will give them the strength to stand against the devil and his powers.
I just pray that you keep them safe.

~ Your Humble Daughter

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Letter from Father

My dear one,
No man can ever claim you unless he claims you from Me. I reserved that man for you who has My heart and loves me more then he will love you.
Soon you will know him.
I have the perfect time, you are My princess, My daughter.
Let no prince claim you unless he asks you from My hand for I am your Father, the King of kings.
You, My princess, are worth loving, and deserve a prince.

~ God

Monday, March 5, 2012

Letter 1: what's Your dream?

Dear Dad,
 Hey I had a question; how come nobody ever asks, "What's Your dream?" I mean, people ask me all the time, "what's your dream?" I guess that's all we really think about huh? Ourselves. What we want, Where we want to go, What we want to do, Who we want to be, When you put it like that, we sound pretty pathetic and selfish, don't we? Like a two-year-old saying "it's all about me! And only me!" Yet...we never really stop to realize just how wrong we are! The world doesn't revolve around us! It doesn't revolve around ideas! It revolves around You!! And only You! You are the reason we are here to begin with! Sure people can claim it all happened by chance. But honestly! chance could never line the planets up perfectly. Chance would never set Earth at the exact alignment it is at right now. It's impossible and impractical. You designed everything the way it is and You saw it was good. So why then, do we try to kid ourselves? You let us breath another second, another minute. You give us permission to wake every morning so we might wake up and recognize that, no matter how small and insignificant we may seem, we are Your children, and You love us all the same! it's my turn to ask; God...what's Your dream? And how can I help make it a reality?

 ~ From Your humble daughter

Thursday, March 1, 2012

My personal letters

This is a blog that I'm posting letters I've written to God. Just thoughts and feelings and that sort of thing. So this might be a little weird at times, haha. But I'm not forcing you to read it :) Just enjoy these writings that I've put together in the past few days!
